Accessibility statement
Accessibility Statement
The Energy Agency (from now on: the agency) is committed to making its website accessible under the current Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act. This accessibility statement applies to the agency's website:
Level of compliance
This website is partially compliant with the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act due to the exceptions listed below.
Accessibility services
The agency strives for the website's functionality to function correctly, including accessibility services, in all newer (supported) browsers.
To ensure accessibility requirements, some adaptations have been systemically provided, such as:
- responsive web design (adapting the layout of content to the screen resolution)
- a choice of three font sizes
- predictable website performance
- the part of the site that is linked to a time loop, where elements change after a certain period, has the option of stopping or pausing
- the possibility to use different levels of headings
- display of where you are on the website (location-based breadcrumbs)
- most of the pictorial material is accompanied by alternative descriptions
- web links are descriptive
- the website includes a sitemap and instructions/information for reporting cases of non-compliance with accessibility requirements
Inaccessible content
We are constantly monitoring the accessibility of and regularly improving individual accessibility features. Depending on the volume of content published on the agency's website, there may be cases that do not fully meet accessibility requirements due to disproportionate burden.
Examples of such content include:
- the graphical user interfaces of the web applications Compare electricity and natural gas supply costs, Check monthly electricity and natural gas supply billing and Calculate network usage charges, as well as detailed displays of the results of queries in these applications (;
- certain data displays in the form of charts (and their tabular displays) on the eMonitor website (;
- scanned documents in PDF format;
- software-generated documents;
- various complex data tables.
Ensuring compliance with the above-mentioned dedicated web applications would require interventions in the software code of these applications, which are dedicated web applications of an older date (deployment in 2007) and have already reached the end of their techno-economic lifetime. The website’s information services are linked to various back-office systems of the agency and the companies that are the source of the input data. Due to the number and complexity of the back-end connections and the frequent changes in content due to legislative changes, the adaptation of all web applications would, in our self-assessment, represent a disproportionate burden, in particular because of the significant financial implications for the agency and terms of the availability of human resources. We will endeavour to adapt as many of the building blocks of the website as possible when planning new upgrades. In the future, when introducing new systems, the agency will ensure that they are adapted as far as possible to vulnerable groups. The applications concerned will be decommissioned or replaced by new solutions by the end of 2023.
There may also be some difficulties in reading the documents, as the agency is aware that some documents published after 23 September 2018 do not fully comply with the accessibility requirements due to their disproportionate burden. Information presented with inaccessible maps with a screen reader and certain graphics and text that are harder to see or not sufficiently descriptive due to lower contrast could also be a potential problem.
Adjustments to the contrast of all the texts on the Agency's website to implement a choice of different contrast schemes on the website would also, in the self-assessment, be a disproportionate burden. Alternatively, the limitation or disadvantage can be at least partially overcome by the user using the functionality built into certain browsers, such as 'read aloud' (accessed via an icon in Edge) and a special view for reading content - 'immersive reader' or 'reading view' (accessed via icons (Edge, Firefox, Opera).
Preparation of this accessibility statement
This statement was prepared on 23 May 2022 using the method set out in the first indent of point (a) of Article 3(1) of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/1523 of 11 October 2018, establishing a model accessibility statement in accordance with Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and the Council on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies (OJ L 256, 12.10.2018, p. 103) - self-evaluation done by the public sector body.
The statement was last reviewed on 23 May 2022.
Feedback and contact information
Notifications of potential cases of non-compliance with accessibility requirements, requests for information about the content of the website, and information that is not published in an accessible form following the disproportionate burden assessment are accepted by email at
We will respond to the notification or request within eight days of receipt of the notification or request. If, in view of the content requested, we are unable to reply within this time limit, we will let you know when a reply will be provided and the reasons for the delay.
The implementation of the provisions of Articles 5 to 8 of the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act is monitored by the Information Society Inspection Service.
Procedure for reporting non-compliance
In case of unsatisfactory responses to any notice or request, sent in accordance with Article 8 of the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act, you can submit complaint to:
Inšpekcija za informacijsko družbo - Information Society Inspection Service
Direktorat za javni sector - Public Sector Directorate
Inšpektorat za javni sector - Public Sector Inspectorate
Tržaška cesta 21
1000 Ljubljana